Worship Service - January 10th

Thank you for joining us! Our Virtual Worship Service begins at 10 AM. Click Here to join!

Also, please join us immediately after the service for a time of discussion via Zoom!

Below is the Zoom info:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 5873 2830


After you view the service, here are a few questions to think about and discuss with your family or small group:

1. When you consider your relationship with God, how are you doing when it comes to joy?

2. What do you think it means that we have peace with God and access to His grace?  Do you really believe that there is no more wrath or judgment, and that God delights in us?  What makes it hard to believe, for you or people you know?

3. How does our peace with God help us to glory in our sufferings?  How have you experienced the perseverance, character, or hope that suffering produces?

4. What challenges are you facing these days?  How do you need the peace, hope, and joy of God in the midst of suffering?