SMALL GROUPS consist of about 5-15 people who meet regularly to learn, talk, laugh, eat, support, pray for one another, and grow spiritually. Groups meet 2-4 times per month (most in the evening), at homes or church, and meet the varying needs of diverse ages and life-stages. There is a group for everyone in our CBC church family, and we hope you'll look into finding one that fits you.
We currently have about 15 small groups. Some are lifestage-based (i.e., groups for young adults, families, seniors, etc.) or gender-based (women's and men's groups). Some meet in person, and others meet online.
Contact Pastor Erik to find a group for you, or for general information.
1. You will begin to really feel like you belong. One of the greatest benefits is the connections and friendships that develop. Your group will be the people who are glad to see you on Sundays, and will email, call, and pray for you during the week. You will feel more like a part of the CBC family, and enjoy serving and getting more involved in the church as a whole.
2. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Bible in a group. Reading, studying, and discussing a Bible passage help you grow in knowing God and His Word. In a small group setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations you are trying to grasp.
3. Prayer will become more meaningful to you. Many people are hesitant to pray in front of others. In a small group, you can learn to participate in prayer by having a conversation together with God. No one is pressured to pray, but as you listen, learn, and become comfortable, you´ll become able to join in.
4. You will receive encouragement, support, and accountability. In time, trust grows, and you will find support to grow spiritually, as well as personally in your work, family, health, etc. Small groups come alongside you in times of crisis, change, and stress, and they are committed to standing with you; you are not alone. You will truly experience grace and grow in love in the context of a small group.