It's Summer! Academy & At the Movies

Two summer CBC activities are back!

FIRST ... The CBC Academy will be on July 10, 17, 24, at 7:15 -8:45.  This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to study the Bible, to learn about yourself and your healthy and unhealthy patterns, or about praying circles around your big dreams for God. Get involved in the church community and sharpen your spiritual skills.

Take a look at the class descriptions here. Choose from 4 classes, and sign up today by emailing Donna


SECOND ... Join us on Sunday mornings for our popular "CBC At The Movies" sermon series.  We'll look at clips of some recent movies, and talk about how we see biblical principles illustrated and how God speaks through them.     

* Updated info: Please note that there are 2 changes; updated movie info for July 21 and 28 is below. 

Spoiler alert!  We will spoil the endings, so if you want to watch them before we do, here is the list of movies, in order.  The series begins on June 30 and goes thru August 4.  See you At The Movies!

 2019 at the movies [2]