Worship Service - June 28th

Live Stream begins at 10 AM. Click Here to Join! 


After you view the service, here are a few questions to think about and discuss with your family or small group: 

1.  Why do you think the lame man responded to the gospel? Why did the crowds respond with worshipping Barnabas and Paul?  How are people today seeking similar things?

2.  Pastor Erik said:  The gospel isn’t just information that we remember, rehearse, or regurgitate. It’s good news that permeates every part of our being that we then share with those around us ..… Gospeling, or communicating the good news, is more than what we say. It’s the willingness, desire, commitment to do whatever it takes, to say what needs to be said, to do what needs to be done.  It’s about our desire to convince people of who God is, more than our delivery.

Do you agree or disagree?  How does that differ from your idea of sharing the gospel?  How does it challenge you?

3.  What are some ways God reveals his goodness to you? Share specific examples of how you experience God’s goodness, if you can.  How are you growing in believing and experiencing God’s goodness, so that you feel compelled to share it with others?  Or how do you want to grow?