Worship Service - June 20th

Our Worship Service begins at 10 AM. Click Here to join the Livestream!

If you would like to join us in person next week, you can sign-up here beginning Monday. Please contact us if you have any questions. 


After you view the service, here are a few questions to think about and discuss with your family or small group:

1.  Read Romans 16:1-16. What words, phrases, or ideas stand out to you in these verses?  What do you wonder about the people Paul greets? How do you think they felt about being named? 

2.  Talk about a time that you felt honored by what someone said or did. What does it mean to honor others? How does God honor us by what he’s done for us?

3.  What are some ways we show love, respect, and honor toward others?  Why are some people easy to honor?  Who are the people in your life that you struggle to love and respect, and how might God be calling you to honor them?