Worship Service - July 18th

Our Worship Service Livestream begins at 9 AM. Click Here to join!

If you would like to join us in person next week, you can sign-up here beginning Monday. Please contact us if you have any questions. 


After you view the service, here are a few questions to think about and discuss with your family or small group:

1. Share about your experience with fruit: growing it, eating it, enjoying it, etc.  How is actual fruit similar or different from the fruit Jesus talks about in John 15?

2. What are some fruit you see in yourself or in people you know? Why do you think a genuine connection to Jesus is vital to fruitfulness?  How does that connection affect our motives, attitude, or growth?

3.  What does the idea of pruning make you feel or think about?  Are you aware of any times that God might have been pruning something in your life?  How does pruning help us grow?

4.  Are there areas of your life that might need pruning now?  How might God be inviting you to reconnect and produce greater fruit?