Worship Service - April 25th

Our Worship Service begins at 10 AM. Click Here to join the livestream!

If you would like to join us in-person next week, you can sign-up here beginning Monday. Please contact us if you have any questions. 


After you view the service, here are a few questions to think about and discuss with your family or small group:

  1. Who would you consider your enemy? You might not think of them as an “enemy”, but consider where there is competition, “other”-ness, bad feelings, or hate in your heart.  What makes it hard for you love them?  
  1. Talk about what the Bible says about how we should relate to our enemies. What are we supposed to think, feel, or do? Why do you think God wants that? 
  1. When you think about your “enemy”, what would you like to change in your relationship with them?  How could you begin?  What are the challenges in doing that? 
  1. What verse or phrase in Romans 12:9-21 could you pray this week?  How do you want the Holy Spirit to help you to love this week?