The Ten Words for Today
Today's message was about The Law. It is not required for us today, but it still shows us what God is like and what’s important to Him. Is it relevant for us today? How might it guide you?
Consider this contemporary interpretation of The Ten Words (or Ten Commandments), which we reflected on at the end of today's message:
You shall not love anything more than God.
You shall not reduce God into what you want Him to be.
You shall not damage God’s reputation with what you do or say.
You shall not look to work for identity or security.
Honor authority and value the wellbeing of your parents.
You shall not harbor angry thoughts or imagine the downfall of another.
You shall not entertain lustful thoughts or imagine sex outside of marriage.
You shall not be greedy or place too much trust in money or possessions.
You shall not deceive or distort the truth for personal gain.
You shall not become bitter because others have what you want.
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
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